International Journal of Terahertz Science and Technology
  TST >> Vol.5, No.4, December 2012: PP. 196-200

Design and simulation of a 0.42 THz complex-cavity gyrotron

Xiang Li * , Xiaodong Chen
School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science, Queen Mary University of London, London E1 4NS, UK
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Abstract: In this paper, the design parameters of a 0.42 THz, complex-cavity gyrotron are given in detail and the beam-wave interaction results are presented. It could be seen that an output power of 62.48 kW, 28.4% efficiency could be obtained with a 40 KV, 5.5 A electron beam(The grammar needs to be improved) when the operating magnetic is 7.95 T and the beam velocity ratio is 1.6.

Keywords: Complex-cavity, Gyrotron, THz.

Received: 2012-9-19

Published: 2012-12-31

Cite this article:
Xiang Li, Xiaodong Chen. Design and simulation of a 0.42 THz complex-cavity gyrotron[J]. International Journal of Terahertz Science and Technology, 2012, Vol.5, No.4: 196-200.  DOI:10.11906/TST.196-200.2012.12.20




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