International Journal of Terahertz Science and Technology
  TST >> Vol.7, No.4, December 2014: PP. 198-201

Microwave window design for 90 GHz-100 GHz TWT

Gangzhang *, Zongfei Jin, Huarong Gong, Tao Tang and Yubin Gong
National Key Laboratory of Science and Technology on Vacuum Electronics
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu, Sichuan, China, 610054
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Abstract: This paper mainly discusses 90 GHz-100 GHZ pillbox window whose window chip uses sapphire for TWT. We simulated and optimized it by HFSS, and the result shows that the VSWR of the two kinds of windows are less than 1.27, and the second kind of the window uses bigger cylindrical wave guide which can make it easer to process than the first kind. We made the first kind of window, and tested it..
Keywords: Pillbox window, VSWR, Sapphire, THZ.

Received: 2014-5-31

Published: 2014-12-30

Cite this article:
Gangzhang, Zongfei Jin, Huarong Gong, Tao Tang and Yubin Gong. Microwave window design for 90 GHz-100 GHz TWT[J]. International Journal of Terahertz Science and Technology, 2014, Vol.7, No.4: 198-201.  DOI:10.11906/TST.198-201.2014.12.20




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