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International Journal of Terahertz Science and Technology
  TST >> Vol.5, No.4, December 2012: PP. 189-195

A new approach to determinate parasitic elements of GaN HEMT by COLD FET S-Parameter

Min Han 1*, Yongsheng Dai 1, 2, Jianjun Zhou 2, Chao Liu 3, Xu Li 1
1 School of Electronic and Optical Engineer£¬Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Xiaolingwei 200, Nanjing, China
2 Nanjing Electronic Devices Institute
3 College Of Physics Engineering, Qufu Normal University
*1 Email: hanzhenru@163.com

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Abstract: A simplified approach to the parasitic elements of 2-gate figures GaN HEMT is introduced by pinch-off COLD FET S-Parameter. When extracting the parasitic parameter at pinch-off state, intrinsic circuit can be ignored as no current flows through it. As a result, if only taking extrinsic part into account, equivalent circuits constructed at different frequencies can extract different parasitic elements. With parasitic parameters from this approach, the simulation result of equivalent circuits agrees very well with experiments.

Keywords: Parasitic elements, GaN HEMT, COLD FET S-Parameter.

Received: 2012-9-19

Published: 2012-12-31

Acknowledgments: The authors would like to thank the support of Defence Key Lab Fund (9140C140202110C1402)

Cite this article:
Min Han, Yongsheng Dai, Jianjun Zhou, Chao Liu, Xu Li. A new approach to determinate parasitic elements of GaN HEMT by COLD FET S-Parameter[J]. International Journal of Terahertz Science and Technology, 2012, Vol.5, No.4: 189-195.  DOI:10.11906/TST.189-195.2012.12.19

URL: http://www.tstnetwork.org/10.11906/TST.189-195.2012.12.19



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