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International Journal of Terahertz Science and Technology
  TST >> Vol.1, No.3, September 2008: PP. 161-168

Tera-Hz Radiation Source by Deference Frequency Generation (DFG) and TPO with All Solid State Lasers

Jianquan Yao 1*, Xu Degang 2, Sun Bo 3 and Liu Huan 4
1 Institute of Laser & Opto-electronics, 2 College of Precision Instrument & Opto-electronic Engineering,
3 Tianjin University, 4 Tianjin 300072, China
Tel: 86-22-27402416, Fax: 86-22-27406436,
*1 Email: jqyao@tju.edu.cn

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Abstract: The terahertz technique has attracted much attention from a variety of applications in fundamental and applied research field, such as physics, chemistry, life sciences, medical imaging, safety inspection, radio astronomy, modern communication, weapon guidance and so on. The technological progress of terahertz radiation source plays an important role in promoting the development of various terahertz technique and the related cross subjects. The generation of high-power, coherent, widely tunable, narrow-band terahertz wave, based on the process of the difference frequency generation [1] and the tera-parametric oscillation [2-5] in a polar crystal respectively, is expected to provide a promising terahertz radiation source with the obvious and exclusive advantages of compactness, simplicity for tuning, operation at room temperature and so on, which causes great research interest among the researchers all over the world. However, the research of this potential THz-wave generation technique is still in its infancy, and few relevant theoretical or experimental studies were reported in recent years.

Keywords: Terahertz£¬Terahertz radiation source.

Published: 2008-09-27

Cite this article:
Jianquan Yao, Xu Degang, Sun Bo and Liu Huan. Tera-Hz Radiation Source by Deference Frequency Generation (DFG) and TPO with All Solid State Lasers[J]. International Journal of Terahertz Science and Technology, 2008, Vol.1, No.3: 161-168.  DOI:10.11906/TST.161-168.2008.09.14

URL: http://www.tstnetwork.org/10.11906/TST.161-168.2008.09.14



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