International Journal of Terahertz Science and Technology
  TST >> Vol.7, No.3, September 2014: PP. 128-138

(Invited paper) Terahertz pulse manipulation based on difference frequency generation

Dehua Li 1, 2*, Jianjun Ma 3, Wei Zhou 1, 2, Peng Zhao 1, 2, Junxiang Yu 1, 2, and Zhaoxin Li 1, 2
1 Terahertz Science and Technology Research Center, Shandong University of Science and Technology, 579 Qianwangang Rd, Huangdao, Qingdao, 266590, China
2 Qingdao Key Laboratory of Terahertz Technology, Qingdao, 579 Qianwangang Rd, Huangdao, 266590, China
3 Department of Physics, New Jersey Institute of Technology, 322 King Blvd., Newark, New Jersey, 07102, USA
*1 Email:

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Abstract: This paper presents a method of terahertz (THz) pulse shaping in which both the amplitude and polarity of the THz pulse can be manipulated. A pair of temporally separated and orthogonally polarized collinear propagating femtosecond pulses with the same central frequencies are focused onto a (110) oriented ZnTe crystal. By adjusting the relative time delay between the pulses, the amplitude and polarity of the generated THz pulse based on difference frequency generation (DFG) can be controlled. Theoretical derivation and simulation based on one-dimensional propagation equation of the THz wave have been carried out under simplified conditions of perfect phase matching, plane-wave approximation and no absorption. Considering the crystal absorption and phase mismatching condition in the DFG process, THz power spectrums from ZnTe, GaAs, GaP, InP, and CdTe crystals are conducted and compared. Besides, the crystal length dependence of THz waveform is discussed.

Keywords: Terahertz pulse, Pulse manipulation, Difference frequency generation, Crystal orientation

Received: 2014-5-29

Published: 2014-9-30

Cite this article:
Dehua Li, Jianjun Ma, Wei Zhou, Peng Zhao, Junxiang Yu, and Zhaoxin Li. Terahertz pulse manipulation based on difference frequency generation[J]. International Journal of Terahertz Science and Technology, 2014, Vol.7, No.3: 128-138.  DOI:10.11906/TST.128-138.2014.09.10




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