International Journal of Terahertz Science and Technology
  TST >> Vol.11, No.4, December 2018: PP. 124-130

(Invited Paper)Emerging applications with terahertz communication

Minoru Fujishima *
Hiroshima University, School of Frontier Sciences of Matter, 1-3-1 Kagamiyama, Higashi-hiroshima, Hiroshima 7398530, Japan
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Abstract: Terahertz communication using an unallocated frequency band called 300-GHz band exceeding 275 GHz attracts attention. In this 300-GHz band, research on wireless communication circuits not only using compound-semiconductor transistors with superior high-frequency performance but also using BiCMOS integrated circuits using silicon germanium transistors and advanced miniaturized CMOS integrated circuits have increased. In this paper, application and future of terahertz communication technology with the 300-GHz band attracting attention is discussed.

Keywords: Terahertz, 300 GHz band, Communication, Integrated circuits

Received: 2018-2-8

Published: 2018-12-31

Cite this article:
Minoru Fujishima (Invited Paper) Emerging applications with terahertz communication [J]. International Journal of Terahertz Science and Technology, 2018, Vol.11, No.4: 124-130.  DOI:10.11906/TST.124-130.2018.12.11




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