International Journal of Terahertz Science and Technology
  TST >> Vol.6, No.2, June 2013: PP. 95-112

(Invited Paper) A partial-element analysis method for determining resonator coupling in terahertz metamaterials

John F. O'Hara 1*, Patrick L. Colestock 2, and Abul K. Azad 3
1 School of Electrical & Computer Engineering, Oklahoma State University
2 ISR-2, Los Alamos National Laboratory
3 Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies, Los Alamos National Laboratory
*1 Email:

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Abstract: Electric and magnetic coupling mechanisms between resonator elements are increasingly researched as additional tools to be leveraged in engineering the response in terahertz metamaterials. Full-wave simulations can reveal the overall effect of coupling on a metamaterial response but often leave questions about the relative strength of magnetic versus electric effects, and whether one or the other dominates the final response. This letter shows an analytical method called partial-element analysis to estimate and isolate the magnetic and electric interactions in metamaterial unit cells. Several case studies show the utility of the method for predicting resonance shifts in paired split-ring resonators. The extention of partial-element analysis to a more comprehensive simulation technique is briefly discussed and described as an optimistic direction for future analysis and engineering of nonlinear terahertz metamaterials.

Keywords: Metamaterials, Terahertz, Coupling, Magnetic, Electric.

Received: 2013-5-2

Published: 2013-6-30

Acknowledgments: The authors gratefully acknowledge support from Los Alamos National Laboratory Grant LDRD 20110027DR.

Cite this article:
John F. O'Hara, Patrick L. Colestock, and Abul K. Azad.(Invited Paper) A partial-element analysis method for determining resonator coupling in terahertz metamaterials[J]. International Journal of Terahertz Science and Technology, 2013, Vol.6, No.2: 95-112.  DOI:10.11906/TST.095-112.2013.06.06




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