International Journal of Terahertz Science and Technology
  TST >> Vol.3, No.2, June 2010: PP. 74-84

Far-field predictions of metamaterials from two-dimensional near-field measurement system

Hui Feng Ma *, Tie Jun Cui *, Xin Mi Yang, Wei Xiang Jiang, and Qiang Cheng
State Key Laboratory of Millimeter Waves and Institute of Target
Characteristics and Identification, Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, P. R. China
* Email: and

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Abstract: In this paper, the near-to-far field transformation is proposed to predict the far fields of metamaterials from the near-field measureddata, which can be achieved by two-dimensional (2D) near-field microwave scanning apparatus (2D mapper). The 2D mapper is a near-field scanning system, from which the far-field data cannot be obtained directly. The near-to-far field transformation method has been studied to predict the far fields from the known near-field information, which will make the 2D mapper more efficient in the measurement of metamaterials. The correctness and feasibility of the proposed transformation are verified by both numerical simulations and experiments.

Keywords: Metamaterials, Near-field scanning system, Far-field prediction.

Published: 2010-6-29

Acknowledgments: This work was supported in part by the National Science Foundation of China under Grant Nos. 60871016, 60671015, 60601002, and 60621002, in part by the Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province under Grant No. BK2008031, in part by the National Basic Research Program (973) of China under Grant No. 2004CB719802, and in part by the 111 Project under Grant No.111-2-05.

Cite this article:
Hui Feng Ma, Tie Jun Cui, Xin Mi Yang, Wei Xiang Jiang, and Qiang Cheng. Far-field predictions of metamaterials from two-dimensional near-field measurement system[J]. International Journal of Terahertz Science and Technology, 2010, Vol.3, No.2: 74-84.  DOI:10.11906/TST.074-084.2010.06.07




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