International Journal of Terahertz Science and Technology
  TST >> Vol.11, No.2, June 2018: PP. 57-64

(Invited Paper)Low-noise high-electron-mobility-transistor terahertz detector integrated with bow-tie antenna

Safumi Suzuki * and Satoshi Shibuya
Tokyo Institute of Technology, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, 2-12-1-S9-3 O-okayama, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 152-8552, Japan
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Abstract: An increase in current responsivity of a terahertz (THz) detector using a broadband bow-tie antenna and an InAlAs/InGaAs high-electron-mobility transistor (HEMT) measurements was developed. We fabricated a HEMT THz detector with a reduced series resistance via etching control of the recess width. A high current responsivity of 「13 A/W was obtained using an HEMT detector with a 45-nm-long gate. The transconductance was 2.35 S/mm, and the subthreshold slope was 89 mV/dec. The noise characteristics of the HEMT detector was also investigated. We measured the frequency dependence of the noise voltage, and a noise voltage of 5 nV/Hz1/2 was obtained above a 1/f corner frequency of 「500 Hz, which well agreed with the theoretical thermal noise of 4.5 nV/Hz1/2 generated by drain conductance. We also measured the dependence of the noise voltage on the irradiated power of THz signal, and the noise equivalent power of 0.5 pW/Hz1/2 was estimated from these measurements.

Keywords: Terahertz detector, Noise measurement, Noise equivalent power.

Received: 2018-5-28

Published: 2018-6-30

Acknowledgments: We thank Prof. M. Asada of the Tokyo Institute of Technology for continuous support and longtime discussions. The authors thank Honorary Prof. Y. Suematsu and Emeritus Prof. K. Furuya of the Tokyo Institute of Technology for their continuous encouragement. We also thank Prof. S. Arai, Prof. Y. Miyamoto, Associate Prof. M. Watanabe, and Associate Prof. N. Nishiyama of the Tokyo Institute of Technology for fruitful discussions. This work was supported by the Grant-in-Aid (16H06292) from JSPS, CREST (JPMJCR1534) and ACCEL programs from JST, and SCOPE (#175003003) from MIC Japan.

Cite this article:
Safumi Suzuki and Satoshi Shibuya. (Invited Paper)Low-noise high-electron-mobility-transistor terahertz detector integrated with bow-tie antenna[J]. International Journal of Terahertz Science and Technology, 2018, Vol.11, No.2: 57-64.  DOI:10.11906/TST.057-064.2018.06.06




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