International Journal of Terahertz Science and Technology
  TST >> Vol.11, No.2, June 2018: PP. 34-42

(Invited Paper)Near-field measurements of the terahertz superconducting spectrometer for atmospheric observation

Jie Hu 1*, 2, 3, Sheng Li 1, 2, Chuan Su 1, 2, 3, Dong Liu 1, 2, Qi-Jun Yao 1, 2, Xiao-ling Zhang 1, 2, 4,
Zheng Lou 1, 2, and Sheng-Cai Shi 1, 2  
1 Purple Mountain Observatory, CAS, 2nd West Beijing Road, Nanjing, China
2 Key Lab of Radio Astronomy, CAS, China.
3 University of Chinese Academy of Science.
4 University of Science and Technology of China.
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Abstract: The optical verification of a terahertz superconducting spectrometer (TSR) featured with superconducting-insulator-superconducting (SIS) receivers developed at Purple Mountain Observatory (PMO) for atmospheric profiling synthetic observation system project (APSOS) has been presented. Near-fields of TSR at 230 GHz and 280 GHz have been measured and far-fields are derived. The misalignment of the optics at 280 GHz is analysed in detail by physical optics (PO).

Keywords: Superconducting receiver, Near-field, Physical optics, SIS.

Received: 2017-12-10

Published: 2018-6-30

Acknowledgments: This work was supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) under Grant No. 41127901, and by Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) project of QYZDJ-SSW-SLH043.

Cite this article:
Jie Hu, Sheng Li, Chuan Su, Dong Liu, Qi-Jun Yao, Xiao-ling Zhang, Zheng Lou, and Sheng-Cai Shi. (Invited Paper)Near-field measurements of the terahertz superconducting spectrometer for atmospheric observation[J]. International Journal of Terahertz Science and Technology, 2018, Vol.11, No.2: 34-42.  DOI:10.11906/TST.034-042.2018.06.04




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