International Journal of Terahertz Science and Technology
  TST >> Vol.4, No.1, March 2011: PP. 20-25

(Invited Paper) Tri-reflector Compact Antenna Test Range Design at High Frequency

Xiaoming Liu 1*, Yuan Mai 2, Hansheng Su 1, Daohui Li 1, Xiaodong Chen 1, Rob Donnan 1, Clive Parini 1, Shaohua Liu 2, and Junsheng Yu 2
1 School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science, Mile End Road, London UK, E1 4NS
2 School of Electronic Engineering, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, 279Box, 10 Xi Tu Cheng Road, Haidian District, 100876, Beijing, China
*1 Email:

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Abstract: The Compact Antenna Test Range (CATR), which generates a pseudo-plane wave in a very short distance, is commonly employed to measure electrically large aperture antennas. This paper presents the designs of two tri-reflector CATRs operating at 200 GHz: a Cassegrain-Gregorian (CG) configuration and a Double Gregorian (DG) one. Both of the two designs utilise two shaped sub-reflectors and a spherical main reflector. The characteristics of the two designs were verified using a commercial package GRASP9.

Keywords: Compact Antenna Test Range, Tri-reflector, millimeter/sub-millimeter wave.

Received: 2010-11-11

Published: 2011-3-31

Cite this article:
Xiaoming Liu, Yuan Mai, Hansheng Su, Daohui Li, Xiaodong Chen, Rob Donnan, Clive Parini, Shaohua Liu, and Junsheng Yu.(Invited Paper) Tri-reflector Compact Antenna Test Range Design at High Frequency[J]. International Journal of Terahertz Science and Technology, 2011, Vol.4, No.1: 20-25.  DOI:10.11906/TST.020-025.2011.03.03




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