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                  International Journal of Terahertz Science and Technology
Vol.16, No.3, September 2023. PP.62-67(1)
date£º2023-09-30 15:30:39 Click No.£º396

TST, Vol. 16, No. 3, PP. 62-67

(Invited paper) A Method for non-destructive testing of resonant frequency in the W-band second harmonic gyrotron complex cavity

Yang Jintao*, and Wang Efeng
Beijing Vacuum Electronics Research Institute, Beijing 100020, China
* Email:

(Received September 2023)

Abstract: In this study, the HFSS is utilized to obtain the field distribution and resonant frequency of the gyrotron complex cavity. The resonant frequency of the complex cavity is experimentally tested with mode converters, and the correctness of the measurement method of the resonance cavity frequency is validated through practical tube fabrication testing.

Keywords: Gyrotron, Complex Cavity, Oscillation Frequency Testing, Mode Converter, Spectrum


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