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                  International Journal of Terahertz Science and Technology
Vol.15, No.3, September 2022. PP.40-71(1)
date£º2022-09-30 23:29:53 Click No.£º531

TST, Vol. 15, No. 3, PP. 40-71

(Invited paper) Progresses of Terahertz Vacuum Electronic Radiation Sources

Jianwei Zhong 1, 2, Wenxin Liu 1, 2*, Fengyuan Zhang 1, 2, Fan Deng 1, 2, Zhihao Jin 1, 2, Kedong Zhao 1, 2
l Aerospace Information Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences,
2 The School of Electronic, Electrical and Communication Engineering, University of Chinese Academy Sciences Beijing, China
*2 Email:

(Received September 2022)

Abstract: Terahertz wave is located between microwave millimeter waves and light waves, which has unique characteristics, such as good transmissivity, security. The terahertz waves can be widely used in many fields, such as military and civil areas. In many applications, the high performances of terahertz sources are the keys points. Various sources can generate THz waves, optics, semiconductors and vacuum electron devices (VEDs). Among the three types of THz sources, VEDs with the characteristics of high power and high efficiency is highlighted and focused. In this paper, the progress of VEDs is introduced, and some developing trends are described.

Keywords: Terahertz waves, Traveling wave tube, Backward wave oscillator, Gyrotron, Free electron laser


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