TST, Vol. 12, No. 4, PP. 93-154
(Invited paper) Widely tunable CW QCLs THz sources at room temperature
M. Razeghi *
Northwestern University, USA
* E-mail: razeghi@eecs.northwestern.edu
(Received December 30, 2018)
Abstract: The THz spectral region is of significant interest to the scientific community, but is one of the hardest regions to access with conventional technology. A wide range of compelling new applications are initiating a new revolution in THz technology, especially with regard to the development of compact and versatile devices for THz emission and detection. In this article, recent advances with regard to III-V semiconductor optoelectronics are explored with emphasis on how these advances will lead to the next generation of THz component technology.
Keywords: THz emitters, THz detectors, Semiconductor optoelectronics
doi: 10.11906/TST.093-154.2019.12.09
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