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                  International Journal of Terahertz Science and Technology
Vol.10, No.4, December 2017. PP.87-151 (1)
date£º2017-12-31 22:33:37 Click No.£º1556


As the last issue in 2017, Here a long invited review paper with rich content is presented as a perfect end of Vol. 10. In this paper, a compact, room temperature, widely tunable THz laser is highly desirable for multifarious basics research and applied exploration. The recent demonstration of THz lasers based on intracavity difference-frequency generation from mid-infrared quantum cascade lasers offers a room temperature solution. As one of the most famous scientists, the author Professor Manijeh Razeghi holds many records on semiconductor optoelectronics, especially on quantum cascade lasers. Her achievements always encourage young scientists. Her review article on terahertz science and technology will be of interest to a wide readership. 

2018 is coming, wish all authors and readers of TST have a productive and happy new year.


Liu Fengqi

Distinguish Guest Editor

December 31, 2017

TST, Vol. 10, No. 4, PP. 87-151

(Invited paper) Recent progress of widely tunable, CW THz sources based QCLs at room temperature

M. Razeghi *
Northwestern University, USA
* Email: razeghi@eecs.northwestern.edu

(Received December 30, 2017)

Abstract: The THz spectral region is of significant interest to the scientific community, but is one of the hardest regions to access with conventional technology. A wide range of compelling new applications are initiating a new revolution in THz technology, especially with regard to the development of compact and versatile devices for THz emission and detection. In this article, recent advances with regard to III-V semiconductor optoelectronics are explored with emphasis on how these advances will lead to the next generation of THz component technology.

Keywords: THz emitters, THz detectors, semiconductor optoelectronics.

doi: 10.11906/TST.087-151.2017.12.07

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