International Journal of Terahertz Science and Technology
  TST >> Vol.9, No.4, December 2016: PP. 117-186

(Invited paper) The theoretical investigation and design on 0.42 THz gyrotron with complex cavity

Sheng Yu *, Qixiang Zhao, Tianzhong Zhang, Youwei Yang, Yanyan Zhang, and Zhipeng Wang
Terahertz Science and Technology Research Center, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu, 610054, China
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Abstract: The research on terahertz science and technology are being intensified due to enormous potential in the field of high-density plasma diagnostics and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). However, the lack of terahertz source especially high power terahertz source is a main obstacle. Gyrotron, based on the ECRMs (Electron Cyclotron Resonance Masers), is one of the most promising sources to generate high power terahertz radiation. Therefore, a 0.42 THz gyrotron operating at second harmonic is designed and analyzed in this paper. To alleviate the mode competition, a gradually tapered complex cavity is adopted, where the pair of operating modes is TE17.3/TE17.4. a candidate operating point is selected by linear and nonlinear theoretical analysis, with 50 kV beam voltage, 6 A beam current and 8.03 T magnetic field, the output power and interaction efficiency can reach about 78.48 kW and 26.16%, respectively. The mode competition in the designed gyrotron is also investigated with the time-dependent multi-mode nonlinear code. The results show that the operating mode can be prior excited and other competing modes are effectively suppressed. A double anode magnetron injection gun (MIG) with 3.19% maximum transverse velocity spread is also designed and simulated to satisfy the requirement of the proposed gyrotron. These simulation results can provide the theoretical basis for the 0.42 THz gyrotron experiments.

Keywords: Terahertz, Gyrotron, Complex cavity.

Received: 2016-12-21

Published: 2016-12-31

Cite this article:
Sheng Yu *, Qixiang Zhao, Tianzhong Zhang, Youwei Yang, Yanyan Zhang, and Zhipeng Wang. (Invited paper) The theoretical investigation and design on 0.42 THz gyrotron with complex cavity[J]. International Journal of Terahertz Science and Technology, 2016, Vol.9, No.4: 149-165.  10.11906/TST.149-165.2016.12.15




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