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International Journal of Terahertz Science and Technology
  TST >> Vol.1, No.1, March 2008: PP. 09-21

THz-Radiation ¨C a Probe in Solid State Physics

Michael von Ortenberg *
Humboldt University at Berlin, Germany
* Email: orten@physik.hu-berlin.de

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Abstract (shortened version of talk at SICAST 2007): THz-radiation is the natural energy probe to investigate physical mechanisms in solids, because the corresponding transition energies are typically centered around 10 meV. To distinguish, however, in solids between ionic and electronic transitions an external magnetic field as “filter” has to be applied. Whereas the magnetic field tunes the electronic energies, the ionic levels are not affected. A review of THz-magneto spectroscopy covering a total of three decades in energy around 1 THz in magnetic fields up to 1,000 Tesla is given.

Keywords: Magnetospectroscopy, FIR/THz, Semiconductor, Megagauss

Published: 2008-03-18

Cite this article:
Michael von Ortenberg. THz-Radiation ¨C a Probe in Solid State Physics[J]. International Journal of Terahertz Science and Technology, 2008, Vol.1, No.1: 09-21.   DOI:10.11906/TST.009-021.2008.03.02

URL: http://www.tstnetwork.org/10.11906/TST.009-021.2008.03.02



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